Monday, August 17, 2009

kids should be kids

So, after returning from what should have been an awesome vacation, but instead was one of the most stressful I have had yet, I came to a conclusion. Certain people should just not be around children. I say this because even though I joke my kids are demons, I know that if they are allowed to be kids they are actually well behaved in a camp situation. Take into account these 2 different situations.

1. We took the kids camping and camped with some people that normally don't choose to be around young children. The kids were given their boundaries but allowed to play and be kids in the larger area. There were no incidences and the kids were well behaved and happy.

2. We took the kids for a longer camping event. We camped in what we thought was a family friendly place. The kids were told to be quiet constantly, couldn't run around and play and be kids. There were many incidents, lots of yelling and very unhappy kids and parents.

What did I learn? That the friends I thought would help and be there for me couldn't handle the kids and expected them to be like the adults (even though they are 5 and 7) and the ones I expect to be yelling at them and miserable actually got along with them. So now I am faced with the question, what do I do next year? Honestly I don't know. I love the friends I camped with but the way they behaved seriously hurt me. Now keep in mind it wasn't all of them, some were very affectionate toward the kids, but it only takes one to make a situation go out of control. If it were up to me I would just not attend again, but then I am over-reacting because it's still hurting pretty bad, although if I do go I am not so sure I want to camp with the same group of people.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Overstayed Welcomes

How do you tell someone they've long overstayed their welcome when they have no place to go? It wouldn't be so bad if they obeyed the rules of the house, but they don't. So what do you do?